What is the price of 1 gram Ethereum?
I want to know the current price of 1 gram of Ethereum. I'm not sure if the question is framed correctly, as Ethereum is a digital currency and its price is usually denoted in terms of its unit, like 1 Ether, and not by weight. But I need the answer urgently.

How much is 1 gram of 24K gold in the Philippines?
I am inquiring about the current price of 1 gram of 24K gold in the Philippines. I would like to know the specific amount it costs in the local market.

Is 1 gram gold a good investment?
I'm considering investing in gold and I'm wondering if buying 1 gram of gold is a good investment option. I'm looking for advice on whether this small amount of gold can be a valuable addition to my investment portfolio.

How much is 1 gram of gold in China?
I'm interested in knowing the current price of 1 gram of gold in China. Could you please provide me with that information?

What does 1 Gram of salt look like?
I'm curious about the visual representation of a specific weight of salt. Specifically, I want to know what one gram of salt looks like. Is it a tiny pile, a few grains, or more? How can I picture it?